It seems like there is quite a groundswell of interest in 'cross out there and I guess with that comes some small backlash.
Thanks Mckenny |
Meeting people up in Wollongong who are as impassioned about building a 'cross community in Australia made me feel a little better about being such a 'cross junkie.
There are also those who have been going on about how good cross is for quite some time (and who were extremely supportive and helpful when I first mentioned building a up bike or starting races). They know who they are.
But all of this leads me the following, which might be my favourite piece of writing on the cyclocross subculture I've read, and I hope goes a little towards explaining to 'outsiders' what all the fuss is about.
The Most Important Thing – A Column by Lee Waldman
Thought this little short from the animation site of the moment. Lots more where that came from.